math jokes

math jokes

10 Typen

Man kann die Menschheit in 10 Typen einteilen: Binärzahlenkenner und den Rest.

Gesamtwertung: Bewertungbewerten


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Khale am 10.01.13 um 11 Uhr 00

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Xewrtyuoipye am 07.11.16 um 21 Uhr 59

Jerry Lewis Was the Quintessential Ameri

Jerry Lewis Was the Quintessential American Jew - He wanted to believe he was an ordinary American. But his success came from the tension his difference created.

Richardinhiz am 22.08.17 um 10 Uhr 37

Jerry Lewis Was the Quintessential Ameri

Jerry Lewis Was the Quintessential American Jew - He wanted to believe he was an ordinary American. But his success came from the tension his difference created.

Richardinhiz am 23.08.17 um 0 Uhr 34

Dein Nic:


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